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Contact Us

Drop us a mail, we'd love to hear from you

Please browse through our FAQ’s section to see some of the most common questions & answers to queries.

Alternatively, send us an email using the below Contact Form. We will attend to your query promptly!

Event Organisers

Contact us for any photography requirement you have!

We do Athlete pics, Event & Activation photos, VIP, Prize giving & Awards, Conference & Conventions,

Selfie walls & instant print stations, Photobooth, School functions, Matric dance, Sports days, Team building events,

Professional Drone videography, Helicopter video & stills, Water & Extreme sports, etc.

We employ specialists in each category to deliver the best bang-for-budget!


join our team or submit your own!

We are always looking for a range of photographers to assist at our events. Weather you are a professional or just love to take photos, we can use your skills! Please send us your details so that we can make contact & add you to our database. 


Taking photos of an event you want to showcase?

No problem! We'd love to be the portal to showcase your work. Simply upload your photos to our website. We offer various sales options through our ecommerce site. A small percentage of sales covers our admin fees.

Make contact with us so we can set this up for you & start selling!